Freedom Moves is coming quick. Freedom Moves will be on September 10th and 11th at Englishtown on the road course. It will be 2 days of drifting, partying, shanty town living and all other assorted kinds of fun. Saturday night we will be driving under the lights until 10PM and then partying at Sneaky Pete’s, the E-town trackside bar, until 2AM.
The details:
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Gates open at 9AM
Tech starts at 9AM
Driver’s meeting at 10AM
Drifting starts right after and last until 10PM. That’s 12 hours of drifting.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Gates open at 9AM
Tech for people only driving Sunday will be open at 9AM
Driver’s meeting at 10AM
Drifting starts right after the driver’s meeting and ends at 6PM.
In reality, this timeline will be pushed back a little depending on how awesome the party is the night before.
Registration is now open. It will be open until Labor Day, Monday, September 5 at midnight. No late payments without a really good story. If you’re story isn’t that good, we will post it on facebook as a poll and Club Loose’s facebook fans will decide your fate.
$265 to drive 2 days.
$160 to drive 1 day, either Saturday or Sunday, just make sure to put which day in the notes on the paypal payment.
Paypal to
I’m sure you guys have noticed that the prices have gone up a couple dollars. This is because the tire machine, that you guys all use for FREE, is getting really beat up. Whether it’s just the shear amount of use or people not knowing what they’re doing or whatever is happening, it has already been repaired once this year. So we are adding a couple extra dollars to each registration to set aside so when it breaks, we can afford to fix it or, for the worst case, we can buy another one. It’s either a couple more dollars each event or $5 per tire to change them at the track, we figured this was a better idea.
So get your cars together, send in your money and get ready to 2 awesome days of drifting, partying and just having a good time. We have a couple things in the works to make things more fun for you. And depending on how quickly people register, we might be able to put some more fun stuff together. So don’t be lazy and wait until the last minute to pay.
See you guys soon.
I will be there! With my new toy. You will like.
new toy??
It’s a big 4 door boat. It’s quite fun.
great posting, i certainly enjoy this amazing site, keep it.