There is only one way to explain Club Loose’s Annual East Coast Bash, AMAZING!!
It is the only event in the the US that brings Drifting, Partying, & Camping together in a 2 day event and keeps if fun.
It starts off with this awesome poster designed by club loose’s own Jeff Turner
Every year Attendance grows, not only in spectators, but also in Drivers. This years Event boasted more than 115 drivers and well over 2,000 Spectators over the weekend. More drivers than any event grassroots or professional Drift Event in North America.
The weekend started on Late Friday afternoon for me. I headed down to E-Town to meet up with the rest of the club loose family to setup our shanty town neighborhood. As usual, I was running late. By the time I got there, partying had already begun. I had to quickly set up my Tent so i could catch up! Once it got dark, a few of us went out on track to make sure the likes were positioned correctly on the track.. When we got back to our pit, Chris Forsberg heard a knock in his motor of his newly purchased missile car (S13 KA-T) after only 2 laps. He specifically bought this car so he can shred with us for the weekend. Everyone got on their phones trying to find a solution. Ivan, a Club Loose OG found someone with a motor and Reese Marin volunteered to pick it up and bring it to the track within a couple hours. So Me, Chris, Carluch & Tony started pulling out the old motor. Chris was there all day getting the car track ready with suspension, arms, etc so he had to have been hating life at this point. We had the motor pulled by 3:30 – 4:00 and the parts swapping had begun. I started to lose steam and took a break, once Reese arrived with the motor Him and Pat Dulcey from RT Tuning Jumped in and relieved me and Carluch so we could get some rest. Here is a shot of the bastard motor that had us up all night
Kevin Johnsrud had his camera in hand throughout the whole process and really put together and awesome video showing how different these events are from all other forms of racing. It is truly a family and is all about the fun!
Saturday morning came along and HP (Matt DiBenedetto) was passed out in his car and as you can see he threw up all down his door… Someone shrink wrapped his car shut.. it was a pretty hilarious sight when he woke up
I was super tired but once i got showered, I felt like a new man. I got suited up and got ready to hit the track! As all events we had a Drivers meeting first. It was pertinent that everyone was there since we have over 100 drivers
Here are some drifting still shots
Me, John Wagner, & Matt Waldin
Me & Carluch
On Sunday Me and Tony Angelo were going back and forth for a while, we were super tight. Steve Angerman was also whipping his car in some of these shots
Here is some Raw On-Car Footage I have from Me and Tony
Here is some on-car footage of me Chasing Rod Campos & Oni Jake
Me and Corby Chasing down Tanner Munson
Matt Waldin Digging in my ass
Ed Tini all up in me coming up on the bank
Me and Asian Dan
And some on-car of Me following Asian Dan and Chris Forsberg in Carluch’s car
I started to follow Nate Hamilton here but i think he overshot the entry. Pretty easy to do if you arent familiar with the course…
Me and Rapper Dan Savage
Some sweet on-car from Jersey Streets of me following Rapper Dan
I also have this on-car of me following J-Wang and Kyle Landers from Drift Faction
At East Coast Bash, it is normal to witness some 15+ Tandem car trains
David De Somma got this session on video!
The Pits were full and Front Row Consisted of Angermans RV caddy-cornerd with the Club Loose Nap On Truck, which was backed up to Nate Hamiltons RV (who camped the track all week after XDC WV/Hyperfest, then My Huge 20×20 Villa (Tent) and Ed Tini Capping off the end with his 5 star Trailer.
Here is my stack of smoked tires, i think i went through 14 tires throughout the whole weekend.
Thank God we have a tire machine at the track, I usually bring all my tires mounted on spare wheels, but there arent enough wheels to have 14 mounted! Here is Brian from Import Intelligence helping me out mounting tires for me!
Saturday night there was some insane non-stop tandem trains. I couldn’t find any good still photos online, probably because taking pics at night and making them look good is nearly impossible. Some of the videos below contained amazing footage of these trains. On my 2nd run out in the night session i bent a tie rod preventing me from running the rest of the session. I was pretty bummed, but it was pretty exciting to watch. Video’s and Pictures really do not do it justice, you have to be there!
And as for the party, you really need to be there…. Explaination is impossible.
Throughout the whole weekend, The spectators were pumped, the stands were full of people & everyone was having a great time!
Paddock Fence Art
Here is a shot of Chris Forsberg’s Missile car all loaded up ready to roll. The motor we swapped in only had a short life span and didn’t make it to day 2. Carluch shared his car with Chris on Sunday so he still got some driving in!
At the end of the day on Sunday, there were only a few of us left on the track so we decided to push the line back and get in some Early Entries
Here is some on-car from early entries but before we pushed the line back
Here is the Video Collection from the weekend!
Mike Spock came out from Hiding and made this epic video!
Jersey Streets Never Dissappoints!
Chris Szczypala does it again!
One of My favorites for this event by Ian Anderson
Mark Lenardon killed this one
Here is an Amazing Edit by Chelsea Lupkin
Matt Nugent Made this one
Here is one from Kenny Cano
Not sure who “Nick” is but he made this video
Jonathan Fonesca Made this sweet video
Raw run of me from Mad Tofu Films
Mid-West Dudes came down to party and drive and they put this video together with all their on-car.
That’s awesome Nick, somehow I had never seen the Jersey Streets video from ECB. It was great.
Thats why I do these in-depth recaps, share it!
[…] jam-packed with full weekend drift events. The weekend before this was Club Loose’s Annual East Coast Bash, which is Drifting, camping, partying all rolled up into 3 days from setup to tear down. The week […]
[…] event in Canada that that brought the elements of Drifting and partying like the annual Club Loose East Coast Bash. Me and Ed Tini were the only 2 Club Loose drivers to participate in the event and I must say it […]